iLivTouch, a non-invasive liver fibrosis and steatosis diagnostic system, simultaneously quantitatively measures liver stiffness and steatosis with advanced Transient Elastography technology. LSM (Liver Stiffness Measurement) and Ultrasound Attenuation Parameter (UAP), steatosis measurement, are simultaneously measured by iLivTouch which is distinguished by its measurement accuracy, speed, ease of use even by non-specialized personnel. In addition, it overcomes the difficulties of applying the method to obese patients as it has:
• advanced software, proprietary to Hisky, that identifies and removes subcutaneous fat.• dynamic broadband ultrasound detector (1.5MHz – 5MHz) suitable for any body type (adults, children, overweight, obese), exclusive rights of Hisky.
iLivTouch has been widely used in the screening, diagnosis and monitoring of patients with liver problems as well as in the evaluation of therapeutic intervention. It has made a significant contribution to both the prevention of liver diseases and early detection, allowing early treatment. iLivTouch has received the certification of TUV SUD Group, the CE certificate of the official certification authority of the EU, has received approval from the US FDA and is also ISO13485 certified.